Running for the “Deutsches Laufabzeichen”

This is the second year that SISS Primary has attempted the “Deutsche Laufabzeichen”. Despite being a challenge that would scare many adults, the children were fantastic.

45 children ran continuously for 15 minutes while an amazing 107 girls and boys ran for 30 minutes without stopping or walking in between. The teachers are incredibly proud of the children’s achievements. You might enjoy some of their comments:

“When I finished, I thought my legs would fall off.”
“I had a stitch at 15 minutes, but kept going and did 30.”
“I thought it would be really hard but I feel really good to have done it.!
“I was so happy when I did 30 minutes.”
“The 30 was pretty long but I was happy when they did the countdown at the end.”

Sportsday 2016

Sportsday20160628Together with the German Grundschulzweig, the SISS Primary children participated in the Bundesjugendspiele 2016 with great enthusiasm. Despite the typically “British” weather, the children achieved amazing results including many personal bests.

24 children received the “Ehrenurkunde”, a special award for outstanding achievement, signed by the German Bundespresident.

The morning was rounded off with a refreshing treat after the fun relay – ice-creams for all children, student helpers from the Y9 sportsclass of the German Gymnasialzweig, parent helpers and staff.

Our thanks go to all parents and student helpers who supported us before, during and after the event!

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